Carlise Charlot
Pink Ribbon Blue Skies Foundation, Inc.
Survivor Testimonials
Meet some of our survivors:
“I was so blessed to have found Carlise last year. I was fighting Breast cancer and doing 11 months of chemo after 3 surgeries. Luckily, I found Pink Ribbon Travel and Stuff the trunk and all the wonderful things she was doing to help women and men fighting cancer. I was blessed by her again this year. I can’t wait to see what she does now with her Pink Ribbon Blue Skies. I would recommend that anyone that could help, donate to the cause or food or supplies that she puts together for us.”
-Michele Reum
“I wanted to take this time to thank Carlise Charlot, the CEO of Pink Ribbon Blue Skies and her team for their kindness. I am currently in treatment for breast cancer. She had an amazing event beginning on November 11, 2022 called the Jumpin Jax Charity Weekend. It was an entire weekend dedicated to breast cancer survivors and their caretakers. During the last day of the event held on November 13, 2022 the Bye-Bye Brunch, I was blessed with a beautiful basket of love. Carlise and her team are a true blessing to breast cancer survivors and those still in the fight. Thank you for being our champion.”
-Melanie Winston
“Being diagnosed with breast cancer three times came with its fair share of confusion, pain, and eventually victory. A desire to encourage and support other survivors of breast cancer is what led me to volunteer with Pink Ribbon Travel’s Stuff The Trunk event for several years now. I was truly blessed and honored to be recognized as an award recipient in 2022. The encouragement and caring shown by the organization to the donors is sincere and from the heart. I am thankful to be able to continue to help other survivors and their families as through Pink Ribbon Blue Skies Stuff The Trunk event.”
-Jerry Sewell
Good afternoon, I want to give a huge thanks to your organization for helping me this summer while under chemotherapy treatments! Pink Ribbon/Blue Skies foundation helped me not feel stress and checked on me often. The care was felt and I truly appreciate everything that was done.. And Diane with her uplifting chats helped me feel like I’m not alone. I am now in the healing phase after a double mastectomy and will have radiation then reconstructive next year. Thank you for everything again. I often think about how genuinely happy I felt all summer knowing your organization cared so much to help my family.
Good Morning, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the support I received from your foundation during my breast cancer journey. Your resources and assistance has made this journey less stressful for me, I’m very appreciative of the meals I received, and the encouraging words. As you may know, being diagnosed with breast cancer is a life changing event and I’m so glad you were there to make it less stressful. The dedication and commitment from your team has been a godsend, and has inspired me to want to helpothers’ as you have helped me. Your invaluable help and commitment to making a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer is deeply appreciated.
-Pleshette Johnson
Terri our conversation and this journey has been more about me being okay with accepting help, especially financially. So when you asked early on, I did not know what to say or ask for help. I’m not even sure how we got connected but I’m grateful for you two and the PRBSF foundation because this assistance helps tremendously! Have a great & blessed day ladies!
Event Testimonials
Here are some of the testimonials that people have written about some of the events that we have had as an organization.
I Am My Brother’s Keeper Symposium 2023 was outstanding. Nemiah Rutledge was awesome with his energy and information. He gave us simple but helpful things to do that will improve our overall health. Dr. Trlkha was very informative about the prostate and how to look for signs of concern and also what not to panic about. The symposium stressed that no matter what we as men are not alone and there are organizations out there like Pink Ribbons Blue Skies, Inc that will help when we need them. Thank you and I look forward to the next one.
Anthony Brown
I had a great experience at I Am My Brothers Keepers Education Symposium. Dr. G. Trikha was an excellent speaker. This symposium taught me the importance of educating myself and being aware of signs and symptoms of prostate cancer. The symposium taught me that being open about discussing prostate cancer could save my life, as well as, other men’s lives. Many men are fighting this fight alone and they don’t have to. Thank you to Sammy Green and Pink Ribbon Blue Skies Foundation, Inc. for bringing men of all ages together to help break the stigma of prostate cancer, and for allowing us to have an open discussion about this.
Elysha Campbell
I really enjoyed the educational symposium. It was very helpful, and gave lots of insight and knowledge through the education provided by Dr. Trikah. I can’t wait to share the knowledge with other individuals. Outstanding job!
E. McG.
Did you know every two minutes a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer? Did you know there were 288,300 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in 2023. Did you know 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime? Did you know prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men. On Saturday, September 16, 2023, Pink Ribbon Blue Skies Foundation, Inc hosted the 1st Annual “I Am My Brother’s Keeper” Educational Symposium to bring awareness to the rising dangers of prostate cancer. The excitement was felt throughout the room as every man in attendance was poised and ready to explore this every growing health epidemic. During the open discussions, it was noted that Black and African American men are much more likely to develop prostate cancer. To be exact, one in six Black men will develop prostate cancer in his lifetime—compared to one in eight men overall. Black men are 1.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with—and 2.1 times more likely to die from—prostate cancer than white men. The details and signs to look for were shared as well as best practices when faced with or dealing with cancer. Pink Ribbon Blue Skies Foundation, Inc has brought the topic of prostate cancer to the forefront of community conversations. The thought of being a Brother’s Keeper is encouraging as everyone works a unit to get others tested and keep the conversations going in all communities with old and young men.
Michael McCoy
Coming together with well respected men to get educated is a hidden jewel. Holding each other accountable with specific information can save a life. Life will happen and go on but applying what you need to know was very healthy for my actions in the near future. Thanks Pink Ribbon Blue Skies Foundation!!
R. Wright
I can’t begin to state just how satisfied I was with the decision to attend the inaugural I Am My Brother’s Keeper’s Symposium. As a man approaching the age of 50, the information presented by Dr. Trikha was so insightful and alerted me to the necessary attention I need to give my health as a black male. Nemiah Rutledge did not leave any stones unturned as his fitness and wellness presentation was well thought out and knowledgeable of his content. WELL DONE brother Green!!
Delmar Turner
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